We all came from somewhere. We all have roots that go way back. I put a bit of my own saliva into a test tube and sent it to ancestry DNA, and got the following results for my ethnic history:
- Eastern Europe & Russia 58%
- England & Northwestern Europe 5%
- Scotland 9%
- Sweden & Denmark 6%
- Germanic Europe 6%
- Baltics 5%
- Indigenous Americas—North 1%
Most of my background is European, and somewhere along the line, there was a Native American connection that happened as well. My wife Sarah is actually five generations removed from a Blackhawk Indian Chief.
Genealogies are certainly interesting and help us to connect with the roots of our identity.
Jesus too had a genealogy and it was and is the most solid identity that has ever existed! He came from heaven to earth as God’s Son, was born into humanity in a genealogical family tree, and all this in order to bring humanity closer to heaven!