What brings you “delight”? Merriam Webster defines “delight” as “a high degree of gratification or pleasure”.
Lately, in May of 2023 as I write this, these are eleven things I can think of off the cuff that bring me delight:
- Holding my wife’s hand
- Hugging our baby daughter Madi
- Listening to “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd really loud
- Hiking in the woods on a lot of terrain with no noise but nature
- “Reading dates” with my oldest daughter Charlotte where we go to Starbucks, get drinks, and sit together and read, with spontaneous conversations happening all along.
- Playground adventure days with my middle daughter Brooklyn where we visit multiple playgrounds in one day for her to play on.
- Pink Floyd documentaries (I’ve been on a Floyd kick lately!)
- Listening to “Shine on You Crazy Diamond” by Pink Floyd really loud (I told you I’ve been on a Floyd kick!)
- Reading and drinking coffee when it’s quiet
- Smoking a nice cigar (not habitually- but for a treat y’all!)
- Drinking a beer while watching “Law and Order” Thursdays with my wife. (I’m against alcoholism y’all but enjoy the occasional drink or two!)
Engage for a moment… take out a piece of paper and pen, or digital notepad, and List the things that bring you delight! List as many as you want!
Now I know that I don’t find any more delight than I do in the presence of God- but I’m telling you that God is very present in all these things I mentioned in my list, as He also powerfully is in my times and moments of daily Bible reading, prayer and worship. Somehow all the “secular” things we do are made “sacred” and the “sacred” spills over into the “secular” when we see every moment, outside of sin, as a chance to delight in God.