Is there anything in your life that takes total precedence over everything else?
When I was age fourteen through eighteen, a leafy green substance that is now legal in Ohio took precedence over many things in my life. I wrote songs about it. I spent most of my money on it. I ended up only having friends who used it and lost many friends who didn’t use it. It led me to greater addictions and harder drugs that took my mind for a spin that could’ve ended in insanity. To quote Gollum, it was certainly “My Precious”! It had me in a grip that quite literally transformed me into a different person- lazy, dishonest, apathetic, lustful, and rebellious to the point of being destructive. Praise God that I was freed from the addiction!
Is there anything in your life that takes total precedence over everything else?
During the entirety of my time as a follower of Christ, I have struggled to allow Jesus to fully take precedence over everything. We all do. I have gone through seasons of workaholism, married, monogamous, non-porn-addicted sex dependency (yes- one can be addicted in an unhealthy way to biblical married sex!), spiritual discipline addiction (yes, there is such a thing also!), obsession with exercise, obsession with my spouse, obsession with ministry, and obsession with my kids. Even good things that God gives us can compete for the thrones of our lives!
Is there anything in your life that takes total precedence over everything else?
Jesus wants precedence over your life. Who is He? He asked His disciples who people thought He was while He was on earth…
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