Some of you all think that what you have to offer isn’t enough. You don’t feel like your finances allow you to be generous enough. You don’t have the talent or ability you wish you had. You don’t look the way you wish you did. You don’t feel the way you wish you did. You don’t think the way you wish you did. You weren’t born in the situation you wish you were born in. You’ve been through things that have held you down, traumatized you, discouraged you, and made you believe you’re not enough.
God sees what you offer to Him, and is blessed by it. He is pleased with you dear brother or sister. He sees your faithfulness. He’s gifted you with precious gifts. He says you are beautiful. He says you are dearly beloved. He says “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) He says that He will use your story for His glory. He says that He sent His Son to die for you, and Christ is enough, therefore, in Christ, you are enough, because Christ in you is more than you ever need to be!
Jesus fulfills…