Maybe we grew up in a home with parents who made us feel like we were constantly annoying them. So we project that on our perfect heavenly Father and think we’re annoying Him.
We feel like Pepe Le Pew from Looney Tunes, continually pursuing the black and white cat Penelope Pussycat, who was often the target of Pepé’s romantic advances. The thing is, Penelope rejected Pepe over and over. Some of us think we’re like Pepe and God is Penelope, we’re annoying God and He’s just rejecting us over and over.
But God wants us to be as bold and shameless as Pepe Le Pew in our prayers! Do you understand this? We simply can’t annoy God. We sure can annoy one another. Just ask my wife about how I annoy her sometimes. 😜And just ask me about people at Streetlight that annoy me, and I guarantee that I’ll plead the fifth!
Nope- God is perfect and good. He sent Jesus to die for us and the veil into the holy of holies was ripped open. We have total access to God. We’ve been fully forgiven because of the body and blood of Jesus for our sins, past, present and future! We don’t need to be timid! We don’t need to act pious! We don’t need to say all the right words! We don’t need to have a certain level of zeal! We can boldly, shamelessly come to the throne of God with all that we are, and with all our requests, and ask away! God is God and He’ll answer us in whatever perfect way He’s going to, but all along the way, we will build relationship with Him! And that’s what He wants, through Christ and the Holy Spirit, the most! If God is saying no to a lot of things we’re asking, it’s not God’s fault, it’s really just revealing of our own maturity level and understanding of God!
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