If some typical, Western, “business minded” pastors replaced Jesus in the historical narrative of the Rich Young Ruler, it might unfortunately go something more like this;
16 Just then a rich dude came up and asked the reverend, “Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal life?” 17 “Hey bro you’re all good!” the reverend said to him. “And I appreciate you honoring me man, and that’s a nice whip (car) you got there! Do you read the scriptures and do what they ask?” 18 “Which ones?” he asked him. The reverend answered: You know- Do not murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness; 19 honor your father and your mother; and love your neighbor as yourself and all that good stuff. 20 “I have kept all these,” the rich dude told the reverend. “Why do I still feel empty?” 21 “Listen man”, the reverend said to him. Number one, you and I are going out for lunch next week! And in the meantime, we’d love to have you just start attending on Sundays. Find out where you fit. Give it time. Maybe volunteer at some point if you feel like it. If the Lord leads you, go ahead and give to our ministry, we have plenty of needs and are doing some great Kingdom work! 22 When the rich dude heard that, he went away feeling pretty great. He planned on returning the next Sunday. (Matt. 19:16-22 Remixed)
But Jesus didn’t court donors, did He? No. He said, “listen brother, I love you, but money is your idol. Lay that idol down and come follow me. Jesus didn’t manipulate the guy for his tithe or offering. He let him walk. I’ll bet Judas, obsessed with the ministry moneybag, and constantly sticking his greasy hands in it, was annoyed. (See John 12:6)